Sociology and Anthropology
Selling Social Justice (why The Rich Love Antiracism)LBP 1,296,000.00
Les Frontières du MondeLBP 2,484,000.00
Depletion (the Human Costs Of Caring)LBP 2,464,200.00
مواقد نرجسية - غلاف فنيLBP 1,710,000.00
Cicatrices (l'existence dans la Peau)LBP 2,049,300.00
Born To Rule (the Making And Remaking Of The British Elite)LBP 2,695,500.00
In Pursuit Of Marx's Theory Of CrisisLBP 21,780,000.00
Sociologie RelationnelleLBP 2,504,700.00
Selfie (comment le Capitalisme Contrôle Nos Corps)LBP 1,013,400.00
Les Théories du ComplotLBP 1,138,500.00
تكوين الشخصية المتطرفة (المناهج التربوية نموذجًا)LBP 1,260,000.00
عصران (عصر الثورة وعصرنا الحالي)LBP 720,000.00