I.C Ras Beirut
Mathematics Analysis And Approaches For The Ib Diploma Higher LevelLBP 10,800,000.00
Le Monde en Français Workbook (french B For The Ib Diploma)LBP 1,680,300.00
A Doll's House And Other PlaysLBP 1,531,800.00
A Passage To IndiaLBP 1,060,200.00
الاقلاع عكس الزمنLBP 720,000.00
The White TigerLBP 1,061,100.00
Season Of Migration To The NorthLBP 1,710,000.00
L'étrangerLBP 842,400.00
Core Computer Science: For The Ib Diploma ProgramLBP 5,616,000.00
Never Let Me Go (exp)LBP 809,100.00
Advanced Computer Science: For The Ib Diploma ProgramLBP 4,747,500.00